Examples of other toxics from motor vehicle emissions include:
Benzene (CH) – It can damage the bone marrow, suppress the immune system, and cause leukemia and other blood cancers.
1,3-Butadiene – It is formed in vehicle exhaust by incomplete combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel. It causes a variety of reproductive and developmental effects. It can also increase the risk of spontaneous abortions.
Ethylbenzene – It is a colorless aromatic hydrocarbon that smells like gasoline. It is present as a gas in both gasoline and diesel exhaust and evaporative emissions from gasoline powered vehicles. Short-term exposure to ethylbenzene results in respiratory effects, such as eye irritation, chest constriction, throat irritation, and also neurological effects such as dizziness. Long-term exposure can cause liver and kidney problem.
Polycyclic Organic Matter (POM) – The primary source of POM is formation during combustion. POM have been detected in ambient air from sources such as gasoline and diesel engine exhausts. Cancer is the major concern from exposure to POM.